J Zippo

Fallout 4: Far Harbor Review


Far Harbor is an ambition DLC for the Fallout 4 video game. On an overall scale, this game is easily worth the money two fold. So if you are a fan of Fallout 4 and you have not bought or experienced Far Harbor… WTF..? I have a list of the new weapons, armors and creatures below.

The island is really big. Tons of new areas to explore and new things to find and encounter. The main story line is only going to get you to roughly 20-30% of the island, so it’s up to you to start picking up side quests and exploring on your own. Far Harbor has its fair share of side quests that can tie into the main quest line. It’s up to you to go after them before or during the main story line, but I found that it made the experience much more intricate knowing some of the characters and people of the small coastal town. Graphics are slightly better than Fallout 4, but I might just be overstating it. The sunsets off the coast when you’re not enveloped in Fog, the shore line and the waves crashing into the shore and the fog swirling around the fog condensers in the middle of the night… it is a master piece of mood and experience.

In my opinion this could have been a standalone game and it would have been successful. It has everything you come to love about Fallout and added in a unique and inviting experience. It can have upwards of 30+ hours of game play if you are not a speed runner.

The main enemy, the Children of Atom, is a huge problem on the island… according to the citizens of Far Harbor. Their presence on the island is nominal, and you can only find them at one location (I’ve explored about 80% so far). So for a menacing enemy you must defeat, it just didn’t feel like they were anything more than a side quest. There are many other aspects of the main quest, some of the protagonists are very interesting and complex… some are just… dumb. You really lose sight of the original quest pretty quickly, and then has little to no pay off when you complete it. There seems to be more questions than answers in many of the quests. Maybe it is a good reason to replay it.

There is a quest in the main story line that I am dubbing one of the worst in gaming history. I can’t go too far into it otherwise I will ruin the plotline. BUT… it is a really long, tedious, boring and mind numbing… not to mention poorly done and did I mention LOOONNGGG. It’s like a 3d game of tetris that went wrong. Each level averages about 30 minutes to accomplish and there are 5. 2+ hours of this bullshit put it over the edge for me, I almost didn’t finish the DLC. I don’t know if the story writers were high on crack while playing candy crush when making this or not… but it would explain a few things.

Far Harbor is well worth your money, season pass or not. If you take your time, do the quests, side quests, and explore you are looking at a minimum of 20 hours. Despite the one really bad section of the main plot line, this DLC is awesome.


New Creatures

– Angler – Frog like creatures that can spit shit at you
– Barnacle – it is like the earths butthole, if you are near one and it fluctuates, you get drilled with a shitton of rads.
– Fog Crawler – Mutant Shrimp
– Gulper – Monster Tadpoles that hang from trees.
– Hermit Crab – A crab that fits itself into the back of a truck, making the vehicle its shell. Very hard to kill.
– Rad Chicken
– Rad Rabbit
– Red Death – Boss level Mirelurk.
– Shipbreaker – Giant Fog Crawler, as powerful as a Queen Mirelurk
– Wolf

New Weapons

– Harpoon Gun. Does great damage, but a bitch to reload and ammo is hard to find.
– Radium rifle is a good combination of Rad and HP damage. It uses standard ammo which makes it nice.
– Lever Action Rifle. Good for medium range attacks, ammo is scarce.
– Meat Hook and Pole Hook.
– Bear Trap, is a manual type of Mine.

New Armor

-Trapper Armor
-Marine Armor
-Coastal Armor
-Lobster Trap Helmet – for those who want to look drunk.
-Hunter’s Hood
-Hunter’s Long Coat
-Hunter’s Pelt Outfit
-Recon Marine Armor – good stats on this and it looks killer.