J Zippo

Todd Howard Is Such A Tease

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Bethesda just teased… strike that… Todd Howard just teased that there is a new game coming out for Bethesda this year. Everyone is speculating, and hoping for their game to be the one coming out.

The Possible Games

    • Project Starfield. The most likely candidate.
    • Fallout 4 New Orleans. We all know they have the rights to this and a domain. This would be a quick and nasty follow up to the Fallout 4 game.
    • Elder Scrolls VI. No. Todd Howard teased that there is a game in pre-production. I am guessing it is this.
    • Game of Thrones. I have read that they are not in development with this game and I have also read that they are… They might wait for the last season of Game of Thrones to come out and tie it in with that (if they are developing it)

They also said that they have a new engine. The current game that could be announced is done with the current engine. They have another one they are working on that is being built with the new engine and another that is just in Pre-Production as well.

Howard teased two projects that are “bigger than anything we’ve done,” which he discussed at last year’s E3. Howard mentioned that the two projects as “what I would call… kind of different, but still the kind of game people would associate with us.” This makes it think it is Project Starfield.

Todd Howard then was quoted as saying “You forget, If you haven’t moved in a while, moving is terrible. Or having a child. Not terrible! But the pressures of it, you forget how hard it is to finish a game.”

Umm. Sure Todd. We feel you. I think.