J Zippo

What Game Styles Define You?

1. The Mainstay
2. The Time Waster
3. The Fave
4. The Traveler
5. The Socialite (Online)
6. The Socialite (Local)
7. The Newsmaker
8. The Spectator Sport
9. The Ego Boost
10. The Podcaster
11. The Bad Habit
12. The Guilty Pleasure
13. The Palate Cleanser
14. The Second Job
15. The Mountaintop
16. The Maybe-Someday
17. The Titties

Our producer Nick Stutzman found an article:

This gives me an idea to define yourself with the game styles… what is yours? Use the list on this page, there are 17. Let us know where you fit!

1. The Mainstay – Fallout 4, Skyrim. Played them to death!
3. The Fave – Fallout 4, SKyrim and Breath of the wild.
8. The Spectator Sport – Play Madden and NHL a lot with my best friend.
10. The Podcaster – It is more the Youtuber, and I do that with Fallout 4.
17. The Titties – Everyone loves titties.