
Destiny 2: Can We Stop With Calling It Dead?

It has been a rough couple of months for Destiny 2 and especially Bungie. As a player that has been playing the entire franchise since Alpha 1, its been a rough road for them filled with ups and downs. With Destiny 1, we were all in the same boat of playing a dull, vanilla build until the DLC started flowing. First we got The Dark Below, a extremely short (before The Curse of Osiris) with it’s short campaign and very little post-campaign items and the fans were mad. Then The House of Wolves came out, which had a slightly longer campaign, but did add some new features like the Prison of Elders and the fans’ spirits were uplifted. After some time of nothing, the fans grew tired of waiting for something new and after players were flocking to newer games, we got the final 2 pieces of DLC (yes i am skipping over the droughts) The Taken King and The Rise of Iron. While The Taken King was a great step forward with an all new location, new activities, new enemy, etc. it showed what the studio responsable for Halo can really achieve with an actual DLC that was worth its price tag. Followed up with the Rise of Iron, you could tell that Bungie brought a franchise that so many were turning their backs to back from another stint on the brink by getting people into one of the greatest mysteries in the franchises’ lore, the Iron Lords.

Now fast travel another year and nothing from the studio except for the hint of Destiny 2 and even more time passed and we had our hands on it with its beta. At this time, we began to get worried about the next game and like a lot of schmucks out there, we bought into their word (now a heap of lies) and got Destiny 2. Weeks go by and the game is terrible, no post game content, lackluster PvP concepts and a fanbase that for the most part were supportive of the future, now screaming and waving pitchforks towards the office of Bungie. The reason at the time was a very valid one, where was all the promised content? What happened to everything from D1? How come we don’t mention anything we did other than killing Oryx? These were the issues that fans cried for and us as well. The biggest issue being was the connection between us (the gamer) and them (Bungie) in terms of dialogue.

At any moment you can head over to Bungie’s social media accounts and find piles upon piles of gamers pissed off at this game and for the longest time, nothing from the studio. It was if they forgot that when their game was released, they go from developers to customer service relations, addressing the concerns of the game, peoples’ unhappiness with the product, etc. but the biggest issue is when you leave a small mob unattended and allow them to spread their discontent, it grows and grows and grows and you get the picture. I watched as loyal Destiny players that loved making videos and spreading their content die off and move on to other games, hundreds of videos of people telling gamers to quit, that they’d quit and so on.

Now I am one that loves to fuel the fire and for some time I actually did, but the one thing that no one apparently gets is in the business world, whether you have good or bad news, everything out there is good for them and in fact, the worst you make it (that actually has prove) the more people will check it out and my prime example, take someone that has been pulled over or a crash, we all slow down and take a look. Yes, I know that their are youtubers (get a real job) out there that keep pumping the hate videos because it bolsters their views, but if you people are out there say your done playing the game, your done with Bungie, blah, blah, blah… you really should do what you preach. I did what I said, I walked away for 3 months and never looked back, then went back to finish getting some ornaments I wanted before season 2 closed and now I am just patiently waiting for my final DLC to drop so I can get rid of the game once and for all. I digress, when it comes to saying you are leaving, your done whatever you want to call it, do it. Regardless if you are just the gamer or the youtuber, or an actual reporter. Walk away from it, give them no more of your time and money and eventually they do and will get the hint.

Unfortunately for me (running this site) I have to report on some news from time to time about Destiny but for you the gamer, you can just walk away from them on social media, get rid of the game (if you haven’t already) and just play something else and in time, like i’ve stated in the past, they will get the picture because your money, regardless on how insignificant you think it might be does make a huge dent in their piggy banks. Think of the old saying, it’s easier to steal a dollar from a million people than a million dollars from one person and if everyone bands together to protect their wallets, it will affect them more than you think.

Just think about it as an abusive relationship (I know and I don’t say it lightly), just get up and go.