
Dungeon Roll: Review

“Do you want to go… Deepah?”

Dungeon Roll is a press your luck style dice rolling game that has you and a few of your fellow dungeon divers traveling up to 10 levels seeking treasure and glory. Along the way, you will need open treasure chests, drink potions and fight monsters, and there are even some Dragons if your lucky. Dungeon Roll is a game that requires a lot of luck to come out on top, so do you think you are ready?

How To Play

Dungeon roll is a fairly quick game to set up where you pick (or randomly choose) a hero to use and take 7 hero dice and roll to form your dungeon party. Once your party has been rolled you begin at level 1. The player to your left then rolls monster dice equal to the current level. You then ether fight the monster rolled (or Dragons), open chests and/or drink potions by spending your hero dice or using the unique abilities of your hero, however if you use your hero’s super; they will be unable to use their other ability (so choose when to use it wisely). When your opponent rolls 3 Dragons (or x depending on how many are in the Dragon’s Lair) you will fight it using 3 different hero dice. You continue until you choose to leave, don’t have enough hero dice left or you run out of dice.

In Dungeon Dice you play 3 rounds and then tally your experience points and obtained treasure to find out your final score. There are 4 phases to Dungeon Roll:

  1. Monster Phase
  2. Loot Phase
  3. Dragon Phase (if 3 or more Dragon dice are present including ones rolled and stored in the Dragon’s Lair)
  4. Regroup Phase

Our Take

Dungeon Roll is a small game that relies on basic luck in rolling dice and pressing your luck as you travel deep into the dungeon. But the one thing that Dungeon Roll does right is an easy to play game that can be setup and started in minutes.

I give Dungeon Roll an 8 out of 10.




  • Easy to learn/play
  • Fun
  • Turns take forever/don’t play with more than 4 players

Play Info

  • Players: 1-6
  • Age: 6+
  • Avg Game: 30 mins