The 2nd Review

Ghost Recon Wildlands Issues

For the love of God… don’t press that button!

Ghost Recon Wildlands has been out for over a week now and although the game is being received well (our review will be available soon), there are a few issues that have been popping up that should be addressed fully. Some players are reporting issues with driving certain vehicles and not being able to connect online to play with friends. When it comes to the issue of driving vehicles, this has been ‘hopefully’ known to the developers since the closed beta which is where it was discovered, yet continued throughout the open beta and into the live game.

For the driving issue, most players that i’ve seen having the issue (don’t worry it’s affecting me as well) with driving certain vehicles (Jeeps, Trucks, Dirt Bikes) found out that by driving a Tractor around an area would help remedy it. It seems odd that the slowest vehicle in the game becomes one of the fastest? Unfortunately, when it comes to this remedy it only has about a 50% probability of fixing your issue.

Now for the bigger issue… connecting your NAT status so that you can play with your friends. Now this has been an issue for the last Ubisoft game to be released, For Honor but this issue is even worse in Ghost Recon Wildlands. Now what I am about to tell you isn’t fully tested but it has been shown to work. But before I get into that I want to let you that if you are still having issues and are unable to find anything online that will help you (cause we all know forums can suck to get quality info from) keep on reading, if you already have a fix you can go here or email with your fix and we will be happy to add it to this article.

With that all said, there are a few “fixes” out there that are not fixes at all so DON’T LISTEN TO THEM!!! Don’t know what I am saying, good keep reading. There are players out there that are telling you there are a few fixes:

  1. 1. Players are actually telling gamers to shut off the firewall on their routers in order to connect. THIS IS THE WORST IDEA EVER!!!! Never, ever shut off your routers firewall in order to play a game, this will lead your entire home network open to hacking and will get your data stolen. If anyone tells you to do this STOP and tell them to ‘metaphorically’ jump off a bridge.
  2. 2. Some players are telling gamers to create a DMZ for their system. Don’t do this as well. A DMZ is useful if you want people from the outside world access to your internet. This is also a very bad option as it can lead to the hacking of your system and the theft of your personal information. If you see a post about this, stay away.
  3. 3. Another useful tidbit is to switch from a wireless connection to a wired connection. This trick has been seen to work about 60% of the cases I’ve encountered as it takes away from another level of security that may be preventing the requests to Ubisoft servers. Once you connected your system, head over to your Network Connections and retest your connection, this will let your system know you are now on a wired connection. If you have tried this and it didn’t work, continue to #4.
  4. 4. The final option that I have heard about is to connect your system directly to your modem. This option will actually bypass your router’s security that may be the cause of your failed connection. I have heard about this technique 3 times and all 3 were 100% successful. The only thing I would tell you to do if this is your only recourse, is to remove all payment information from your system in the event someone does hack in. This way all they will get is your email address and not your CC information

If option 3 or 4 works for you awesome, if you are still having issues please contact Ubisoft’s support here for more help on trying to fix it. Hopefully they will figure out how to fix this issue and roll out an update to all.