
Mass Effect Andromeda: Combat

Mass Effect Andromeda is set to release on March 21, 2017 and more information is being released about this intriguing sequel to a series that has been received as both a triumphant series and a complete let down. But the team at Bioware aim to make up for what some people say that Mass Effect 3 was a complete failure. So… what is Mass Effect Andromeda? Mass Effect Andromeda is an actual continuation to the ME universe and is set a few hundred years after the fallout of ME3 however, MEA actually begins during the events of ME3 which has inhabitants of the Milky Way galaxy looking for a new home to expand to.

The team at Bioware says that they are working hard to rectify the apparent mistakes of ME3 and bring a fresh look at an impressive universe. So with all that, let’s take a look at the combat system of MEA. The combat of MEA looks to be completely refreshed with an open system that lets you choose your path instead of having to choose a character type. This is a great option to have because many players would rather choose their path rather than be confined to a specific type. Another thing that is a departure from the previous is a dynamic, fluid, fast pace combat system which allows for an amazing freedom of movement which, as a plus you are given a jump jet, which opens up a brand new vector of gameplay. Another new addition is an upgraded cover system which allows you to seamlessly switch from cover to cover.

“All this freedom allows you approach the battle in a way that suits your style.”
Now let’s drop into the weapons of Mass Effect Andromeda. There are four types of weapon classes:

  • Pistols
  • Shotguns
  • Sniper and Assault Weapons
  • Melee Weapons

According to the developers, all weapons and weapon classes will be available to all players regardless of your class choices, so if you want to be a sniping biotic go for it. Now the weapons are separated into 3 categories:

  • Milky Way Weapons – use projectile based ammunition which are high impact projectile weapons that are best against non-shielded enemies but the drawback is you need to monitor your ammo (duh).
  • Gravity Weapons – use beams, have a high rate of fire and are very accurate and use the overheat system that is unlimited ammo but you will need to let your weapon to cool down from time to time.
  • Helios Weapons – use plasma as their ammo and are slow to fire but benefit from heat seeking tech and some can be charged which when released, can be devastating.
  • Melee Weapons – as the name suggests, these are meant for close combat and can vary between heavy hitting but slow swinging to light and quick.

Now with weapons out of the way, let’s move into the skills tree. They are broken into 3 classes: Combat, Biotics and Tech.

  • Combat: This is good for those who want to focus on weapons, gear and making your character an OP warrior.
  • Tech: This allows you to equip your character with more experimental weaponry or strategic improvements for you and your squad.
  • Biotics: Allows your character to harness dark energy to manipulate mass and gravity allowing you to use your enemies as a shield or weapon.

Each skill can be upgraded to increase the overall effectiveness of these skills and your character. All this is great and a nice change to a franchise that needed a boost. Take a look at the trailer below for more in-depth info about the combat system.