The 2nd Review

PS4 on PC, Say Whaaa?

Sony just announced that they will be bringing Playstation 4 games to their Playstation Now cloud service. If you are not familiar with Playstation Now here’s a little rundown. Playstation Now is a subscription based service that allows you to play Playstation games on your system or PC for a cool cost of $15 or $20 a month. The other intriguing thing with PSNow is that you don’t download any games, instead you stream them from Sony Data Centers. Currently there are 450 games available to choose from but as of right now they only allow access to PS3 games. One thing you can expect from this is that there will be first party titles, such as Uncharted, Infamous and much more available when this service is available.

Well that’s going to change later this year but for now you have to wait. Until then, you can bet there will be a lot of chatter as Sony will need to upgrade their data centers to compensate for the larger games. But with PSNow, there will most likely be some sort of restrictions for this which is unusual as Microsoft’s upcoming Xbox Game Pass will only be $9.99 and you will be able to download and play any Xbox game without any restrictions.

Hopefully Sony will realize their prices are a little absurd and will roll it back in order to compete with Microsoft or… (wishful thinking) they roll it into PSPlus. We will update this article if/when more information is revealed, until then… “Hold on to your butts” sorry SLJ.