The 2nd Review

Will There Actually Be A Destiny 2 This Year?

Rumors have begun swirling once again for what seems to be an on again, off again relationship with Bungie’s ambitious FPS Destiny. Well, more so with their sequel Destiny 2. It seems that Bungie has been hard at work since the tail end of the Rise Of Iron expansion to keep moving with the next chapter of the game’s supposed 10 year life span.

However, to say that Destiny 2 is set with its release date would be an understatement; in fact to say that it has an idea of a release date is slightly better. It was announced earlier in January that Destiny 2 may not release as it was suggested and it would have been delayed well into 2018. But now the guys at Bungie are saying that they are planning on releasing Destiny 2 in 2017. Which begs the question, why the switch. Well it could be the fact that they have absolutely no content planned for the foreseeable future and they are rushing to now get the game out before their audience is completely gone. Or it could be the fact that according to Kotaku’s Jason Scheier it appears that Activision (supreme douche of Destiny) is pushing for the release of Destiny 2 before the end of the year or else:

“If Bungie misses this year for Destiny 2, Activision is awarded a hefty chunk of the independent studio’s stock, according to two sources familiar with goings-on at Bungie,” he said. “Bungie employees’ stock vesting schedule is also based on game releases, including Destiny 2, which gives them major incentives to get the sequel out this year.”

Which if this is all true and Activision is looking at making a powerplay for the Destiny franchise, it could push Bungie to release an even more unbalanced, unfinished product (could it get worse than Destiny) that makes its core audience despise them even more and take an already muddled franchise and drag it farther through the mud… all in the name of a dollar. Thanks Activision.

I am hoping that all of this is just bunk and Bungie is actually hard at work making a great game that will be engaging and fun for all fans of the franchise (yes I still hold out hope). Yet again, I look at the fact that Bungie failed all their fans before and history repeats itself for those who fail to see their faults.

Hopefully we will have more and slightly better news coming soon.