J Zippo

YouTube Vs. Twitch

We Compare 5 Categories. Video page, Creator Page, Comments, Monetization & Guidelines (rules)

Video Page

Youtube wins. The Twitch format is really based off of streaming and not premade videos. The Youtube format has had almost a decade to perfect. I expect Twitch will start to reformat their page for certain types of videos.

Creator Studio

Tie. Twitches upload, description, tags and thumbnails is all on one perfect pop up. But it is limited, where Youtube has much more options and is more robust.


Twitch wins. Youtube messed up everything when they tried to tie in Google plus, and they keep messing with the algorithm in regards to where all the comments go. Twitch keeps it simple… It’s like a chat, and first come first serve.

Monetize / Support

Twitch wins. They have a no nonsense way of supporting channels and/or accounts. Youtube has shitcanned monetization for 90% of any gaming video… which leaves most channels hanging in the breeze. Twitch wins in a landslide.


Twitch wins. By a landslide. They are upfront, tells it like it is and pulls no punches. Youtube is underhanding, shady and keeps secrets. They have floundered on guidelines, their communication with their creators is piss poor and they have snuffed out the gaming channels.

Bottom Line

Twitch is a much better platform to work from. They are honest, straight up, and backed by Amazon. Youtube has lost all credibility, and is only used as a matter of convenience at this point. If Twitch can get their page and promotional all set up for created video’s, it could mean the ending for Youtube’s gaming career.

Twitch wins by a landslide.