The 2nd Review

Destiny 2 Took How Long To Make?

With everything that has been happening to Destiny 2 and it’s developer Bungie, there doesn’t seem to be an end to the issues. From Destiny 1.5 to the XP scaling & the Eververse scandal, Bungie has been dodging bullets since day one. Now a new issue has arisen that may be the final nail in the coffin. It appears that the biggest issue that has now been confirmed by Jason Schreier, he wrote on the bottom of a Kotaku article:

“From what we here, Destiny 2 was recently rebooted, with Taken King director Luke Smith taking the reins of that project in the wake of a Bungie staff reorganization.”

Which when this was written back in May of 2016, no one really took much notice until people began looking into it deeper. Which back in 2014, Activision head Eric Hershberg stated that development for Destiny 2 had already started. Now fast forward to 2016 and Destiny had been rebooted. Which now shows that what players got with Destiny 2 had been only in development for 16 months. Not even Indie games are made in that short of a timeframe. Now Schreier went on to write:

“What Bungie Decided was: ;we can’t do this anymore. This is just too much, this is too hard for us to do, the tools that we work with are really hard to deal with.”

If you are making video games, you should realize that making video games is hard and you should really know what you are getting into. But that wasn’t the only issue that was also unearthed, that in-fact Bungie created the Eververse to “make money that way” and it wasn’t Activision’s idea, they just signed off on it. Which at this point puts Bungie on the road of grinding out DLC for an already beyond dwindling player base.

So for those who haven’t made the leap to other games, this might be the final nail to kill off Destiny once and for all.