
Mysterium Review

“So… who really killed Doug?”

Mysterium is a cooperative game that up to 6 psychics have 7 hours (7 turns) to interpret “visions” given to them by the ghost of the deceased to find out who really killed him.

How To Play

The game begins by the player who is playing the ghost, randomly takes cards from a person, location and weapon decks for each of the players that are playing the psychics. Once you have chosen the cards, you then place another set of identical cards (mirrored on the ones you chose randomly) on the table for the psychics to see. The game is setup for the psychics to choose in a specific order, they are:

  • Person
  • Location
  • Weapon

The ghost now draws 6 dream cards which will have unique designs that the ghost will use to look for elements in the dream that best matches the cards chosen by the ghost that helps point the psychics to their chosen cards. As you deal card(s) to each psychic, you MUST draw from the dream deck (you must have 6 cards at all times), those psychics now have to look at each possible card and determine which of the cards is theirs. Depending if you are playing on easy, medium or hard difficulty, the ghost can use a raven token to burn any number (up to 6) of cards if they have nothing they can use.

If a psychic has chosen their correct card, that player moves on to the next step and then returns their dream card(s) to the ghost. If a psychic chose incorrectly, they keep their card(s) and will try again next turn. Each psychic can also vote on a psychics’ guess (can’t guess on your own) whether they are correct or not. You continue to play until all the psychics have correctly guessed their cards and have reached the end. As you progress, each psychic gains a point if they guess on their choice correctly and they can gain a point if they added their token on another psychics’ guess correctly or not.

Their are 2 steps to win. First step is all psychics MUST reach the end by the end of the 7th hour (turn). Then, depending on the amount of points you have:

  • 0-4: 1 final dream card
  • 5-8: 2 final dream cards
  • 9+: 3 final dream cards

the ghost will then choose (at random) which of the psychics guessed the real scenario. Upon knowing which is the real killer, location and weapon, the ghost will then choose from their hand 3 cards that best describe the 3 scenario. Then, depending on the amount of points each player has, that is how many dream cards they can look at. So if a player(s) has only 3 points, they can only see 1 dream card. Then they must cast their vote in secret on who they think it is. Then if a player(s) has 7 points, they can look at 2 dream cards and then cast their vote in secret. Finally all remaining players can see all 3 dream cards and then cast their vote in secret.

After all the players have casted their votes, the ghost then reveals all the votes and then reveals who the real killer is, where it happened and the weapon they used.

Our Take

Mysterium is an amazing cooperative game that allows players to work together in a new take on the classic game, Clue and with hundreds of possible combinations, Mysterium has the potential to be fun for all who play and if you have regular game nights, the potential to be a constant fixture for them.

I give Mysterium an 9 out of 10.



  • Lots of fun
  • Great Co-op game
  • Can get competitive
  • Cards are random, can cause issues

Play Info

  • Players: 2-7 (including 1 player as the ghost
  • Age: 10+
  • Avg Game: 45 mins

Want to buy a copy for yourself? Click here to get yourself a copy today!